Monday, April 8, 2013

SHORT STORY: Blog to the Future - Part II

I have spent a little more time in your present since I last blogged and I am starting to adjust.  For those who may not know, allow me to summarize.  I have time traveled from the future as a fugitive, and have hijacked a blog to educate the world.  I have no interest in changing the future, because it is a significant improvement over what you are living now, but I will give you something to look forward to.

First off, I want to shoot down a myth.  There are no flying cars, or hover cars.  I have seen many cinematic recordings and they all portray the future inhabitants driving mini spaceships and flying about.  This is ridiculous.  In the future we do have vehicles that fly; they are called planes, and intergalactic space capsules.  Not cars.  Sure we would have the technology to create a flying car but it would not be economical.  First off, the energy used to keep the craft hovering, far out weighs the energy required to overcome surface friction.  Secondly, trafficking airways is easier said than done.  Imagine how lost one could become with no roadway infrastructure or signs to follow.  I would image the death count for stalling over bodies of water would be higher than the death toll from Sklixbar attacks.

I have also noticed that overpopulation seems to be an issue.  Apparently the Ignorance is Punishable by Death Act has not been initiate.  Just wait, the world will become a much more tolerable place to live.  It is also much colder than I am use to.  I overheard some talking about the threat of global warming, so I assume it has not happened yet.  Where I am from we welcomed the warming with open arms, and embraced the permanent shorts weather.  As I have mentioned earlier, humans are no longer dependant on fossil fuels, which has steadied off the planetary temperature increases.  The shift in energy suppliers shifted to a bovine byproduct, and as a result, the oil tycoons which once ran the government were replaced, by an equally greedy and corrupt type of tycoon.  Since the temperatures were elevated, and since cows were highly regarded as the most useful creature on the planet, the ice-cream conglomerates sunk their claws into most legislation.  They controlled market pricings, bought out and crushed the frozen yogurt market, and removed gummi-bears from the protected species list.

I once again leave you with a thought to consider.  I overheard a man claiming to be tired as he muttered, I bearly slept last night.  This confused me because, at least from what I remember of their species, bear sleep very well.  They hibernate through seasons and presumably are well rested.  Perhaps this is a idiom of sorts with convoluted origins, but I proposed the saying be altered to address a more finicky sleeper.  Perhaps a feline or a rodent.  I cattily slept last night, or I mousily slept last night.

-Commander Alba Tross

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