Saturday, March 2, 2013

Obama: The Great Uniter

In 2009 President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but then once again on March 1, 2013 President Obama proved that he truly deserved the honor bestowed upon him. No other man can think outside the box like the leader of the free world and bring people together who were once at a war for irreconcilable differences. With one simple phrase he had done it and changed history as we know it, and that phrase of course was his use of the term “Jedi mind meld.”

Of course, at first, many wrote this off as misspeaking, or simply being out of touch with Jedi mind tricks from Star Wars, and the Vulcan mind meld from Star Trek, but after a deep analysis, his intentions were revealed. Much like the hostility between Sunni and Shiite, and Republicans and Democrats, it was thought that fans of Star Wars and fans of Star Trek would never join together under one communal sci-fi fandom…until those words were uttered and President Obama revealed that the tension makes him Sith to his stomach.

Fans all over the world rejoiced when they realized that we are not all that different after all. Science fiction does not have to be the choose one fantasy galaxy and abhor the rest world as it once was; there can be enough love in one’s heart for both. Was it not the wisdom of the great Obi-Wan Picard as he spoke the infamous words, “do or do not, and prosper?” And we can, and we will, do just that. We shall do by finding peace amongst us, and we shall do not by abandoning hatred, and we shall all prosper from the peace that will reign down upon us all from the shared Star’s of both.

Now that the olive branch has been extended by the President and put the motions into actions, the world can set their lightsabers to stun and hug your brother in fiction. Let this hatred put on the redshirt and die out like planned. Do not let yourself get Fett up any more about which of the worlds is superior. Join together with me and President Obama and utter the words, “Yes We Vulcan,” so that we can find this New Hope.

President Obama made First Contact and put the pressure on the world to follow through to rid it from the plague of his personal Nemesis; hatred. If Star Wars and Star Trek fans can find the common ground, then why can’t political parties follow suit? Why can’t religious parties waive the white flag and invite one another over for their respective and respected holidays? Let a Capulet marry a Montague, let the three horns play with the long necks, and for heaven’s sake let’s stop the violence erupting between Team Edward and Team Jacob. President Obama may not have said these exact words but I think I can interpolate from what he did say to take the liberty to paraphrase and it went something like this…”My fellow American’s, ask not what differences lie in Star Wars or Star Trek, but let us enjoy them both, and regardless of how deep your obsession dwells, can’t we all agree that we are still better than Harry Potter fans?”

God bless America, and Star Wars, and Star Trek.

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